
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 72 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2025

The Roy's Stream Novice/Trail Bike Trial - (Saturday) 31 May 2014

Event Index: Snippets, CofC says... Video of TT

Words: Colin. Pics: Jackie.


The video now has extra footage from the normal sections.

The results from the Optional Time Trial Tie decider use different rider numbers but the total points are shown on the main results. More about the TT later.


Big thanks to whoever appeased the gods for holding off the rain.

Nepotism: You couldn't get any more dodgy than Colin (me) doing results and Viv setting standard time for the Time Trial. If it helps your scepticism, the video pauses for his ending time and with HD on you can see the second hand to check his declared times. I had to study the video for ages to be sure it was really faster than Rob Breakwell. Admittedly our clock had some slack in the minute hands as it passed the bottom, but it seems true! As Brendon was only 10 secs adrift of Viv and 5 behind Rob, I thought it must be true. We will have some comments about the lessons learned and how we should run T&Obs events when we do a proper one. If you'd like to pass on your insight/concerns/ideas then watch the Time Trial page for updates.

3 or 4 of our riders help run the Pontypool club's events. If you want to join us on 22 June for an Open, 3 routes Trial at Mynydd Islwyn then contact Garry Jones. Details on their website.

Robb Trepte had a brilliant ride for his first ever event, sadly the bike had a drink before he finished so he had 5's added for the last 6 sections he missed. Even better he helped prep the sections with us a few days before. (Update: Robb has the engine apart and the pic of the muddy piston we saw at Monday's club meet tells it all.)

Jake Hoare was in unfamiliar territory having just bought a bike well known to the club. Having the wrong tyre was no advantage on the ground but there was an advantage for Jake's dad Adrian as he got to ride Jake's other bike.

Georgina should get bonus points for bringing an observer and after a gruelling search for cleans stayed to help us observe the Time Trial. Glyn Fletcher also persuaded his ex- centre rider father to renew hi observing skills.

Phil Taylor on the TY (as opposed to RobC's Majesty version) said "Brilliant trial at the weekend, well done." Phil features in Viv's video and experiences a Viv pass.)

Clerk of Course Says

Sun was booked for the trial at Roy's stream on Saturday. It was a good job, as it meant that all those wet feet were at least warm.

A week before a cutting session was more like a trip up the Amazon with heavy rain and the stream getting higher as we stood there. Thanks to Brendon, Colin, Viv, Richard, Vess and Darren for putting up with my demands to clear the whole stream. You could tell those who hadn't done this before as they were the ones who believed me when I said that the pools of water were shallow enough to walk through without filling their wellies. And to Roy, of course, for watching patiently as we improved his land. We did investigate some land further up the stream which looked inviting, but a try-the-sections-out session a few days later showed that whilst they were lovely to look at, they were a bit tricky for novice riders and access was even harder. Later on maybe.

Pre entries (thank you very much, they are so much easier {Now, if only we could get you all to pay before hand too! ed.}) were encouraging but having well over 30 in total on the day was great. Most people enjoyed most of the trial although some exits to sections became rather deep. The "white" route proved tricky I think. At one point Darren was heard to say that this route was too bloody hard. He was then heard to say that as he had marked it out himself, he couldn't complain!

Thanks to all those who helped on the day, either observing or doing paper work and to Nibbs who helped Pete and I tape up the time trial route afterwards. Those who hung around to try that out seemed to enjoy it. It was great to see the total lack of respect to ones elders and betters. Viv seemed to enjoy cutting up Nibbs and pushing him into the tape as did Jake to Rob.

Again, thanks to Roy for his land and encouragement and Colin for all the IT and results stuff.

I am sure there will be more trials of this nature in the next few months and I believe that planning for the next one is underway. It is hoped that a proper time and observation trial will go ahead as well. Watch the web site for details.

Matt Neale - C of C

A lap of the Time Trial sections

Viv fortunately had a Go pro strapped to his bonce. Fortunate because we might not have believed he'd actually done his target 4 laps in that time. Both Brendon and Viv miscounted (possibly on purpose!) and did 5 laps - It totally threw me with timing.

I think Viv was trying to catch Anth so he could plan a splash attack. He didn't count on that Cami going so quick though. Did anyone else manage to 'get' Anth?