The Rockfield Trail Bike Trial - May 2007
Results v2 (Tell me if you spot a mistake,
Yoshi and Sarah say: Just to say thanks for a great day out today. It was really enjoyable. Please give our thanks to everybody involved in running it.

Words by Ben Falconer and Glenn Thomas. Photos by Glenn, Ian Vessey and Colin Jones
Glenn's Event Sec comments
This was the 2nd of these events I have organised, with Vess as CofC. So a quick phone call to the wonderful Roy Breakwell secured the land for the event.
So off me and Vess went to mark out the course, 10 sections were laid out fairly quickly, and I marked out the speed test. I spent a few evenings marking up then me and Ian (Beard) rode the sections (lesson learnt from last time when jack marked out sections at old hendre!) Went off to church Friday night and booked the weather (perfect timing - rain started just as we were taking the awning down.)
All looked good Sat morning, got Jack and Suzy set up with bbq etc, then waited for the victims oops riders to arrive. 31 victims turned up for the torture session, but with a nice dry course and sections well spread out there were no real problems.
I started by observing on section 8 where Matt did a bloody good impression of a squirrel with his CRF, then there I was minding my own business when Andrew Weddle tried to run me over. I did see him talking to Dave Pinney later hmm! (What conspiracy? we can't even spell the word Glenn! ed.) Its nice to see everybody enjoying themselves after, but it seemed to end all too quickly, I hope everybody enjoyed themselves, I certainly did.
Thanks to Jack, Suzy and Danni for burgers etc. to Vess for being CofC, to the observers: Dave, Wolfie, Cliff, Rod, Richard (who I hope will have a go next time), Merv, Jack, Pete, Nick, and Danni,(who tells me she that a certain welsh person offered her money to alter his score its ok Yoshi, its our secret.) and last but not least thanks to dave for doing the speed test in between his many burger breaks, big thanks to Colin for the results etc. Many many thanks to Roy Breakwell for the land and very well done to David Eeles and Nibbs Adams, (looking at the results it might have been Nibbs with money offer, heh heh!) See you all at the next one. Bye for now - Glenn.
Ben's report
MORE than 30 riders enjoyed the challenge of a closed course trial for trail and enduro machines at Rockfield, Monmouth. This was the club's second event of this kind and it proved popular with most abilities. Riders with a trials background prospered and the overall result was in the balance until the last lap.
Winner Dave Eeles lost all three of his marks on the first lap, then with a disciplined performance, kept his feet up for the rest of the event. Second placed Keith Wells could not get the dabbing habit out of his system. He led after two laps, by one mark - then lost two further dabs on the second and third laps, to take his total to four.
Section two caused the most problems, a tricky left hand turn downhill, followed by a steep sharp climb over rocks set in to a bank. Eeles took a one on lap one, then cleaned it twice but Wells could not match his one clean ride on lap two, and took a dab on laps one and three. Four other riders cleaned section four, most notably Nibbs Adams. He did it twice and recorded his only lost mark of the day here. His performance on section two was all the more remarkable, as there was no alternative route on this section for enduro bikes. He topped the enduro class by a significant margin with an excellent ride.
Nibbs' brother Yoshi managed a clean ride on section two on the first lap - then lost eight marks there on consecutive laps, to leave him tied on observation with Steve Venn. Venn cleaned section two twice but a five on the first lap handicapped his challenge for the win.
A resurgent Steve Hancox was only two marks behind them with a consistent ride, limiting all but one mark of his losses to section two.
The event took in ten sections over three laps and most riders managed to master most of the sections most of the time. And the timed special test was a big favourite - fastest over three laps was Nibbs Adams by almost four seconds over his brother.
Stan Howitt, aboard a useful four-stroke Italjet 250 of some vintage went round for 21 marks, ahead of a gaggle of riders in the 20s and 30s.
Anthony Moore gave the new CCM 230 four stroke its competition debut for the loss of 32 marks, whenever he could retrieve it from a posse of potential customers.
Many thanks to the observers, course setters, landowner Roy Breakwell and the excellent catering team.