
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 72 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2025

Rockfield Hare & Hounds Enduros - 19th& 26th September 2004

Report by Ian Vessey

More Pics can be found on CEC's own website or www.cobbe.co.uk

Sunday 19th
Managed to drive up into the field without the assistance of one of the tractors. The organising clubdid a good job of getting everyone up the slippery grass with a minimum of delay.

The first lap was also extremely slippery in places, particularly down a steep descent into the bushes on the slope by the river. Fortunately, by lap 2, gripwas vastly improved.

The course was very well laid out, making the best use of the available space,particularly in the small wood. The marshals who spent over three hours keeping the riders moving through the 'gully' deserve medals for dragging bikes and riders through, and in one case, removing a bike from a tree!

I hadn't ridden for a while so I was a bit rusty and definitely unfit! Managed to wobble around for 9 laps but had to slow down after lap 5 after losing rear brake pedal when I was stopped suddenly by a tree-stump.

There were plenty of West Glos club members riding, but also a few DNFs including poor Mike Allen who broke his 'other' wrist on lap 2.

Club results :
Anthony Moore ? 9 laps + 15
Dave Smailes ? 9 laps + 11
Ian Vessey ? 9 laps + 20
Neil Davis ? 4 laps + 4
DNF ? Glen Thomas, Ian Beard, Dave Ryan, Mike Allen.

Sunday 26th - a second attempt for some.
There were more people attending as the day also included a Quad race after the solos. The club were well prepared to tow people up the field as Saturdays rain had made it even more slippery. 

The solo race was 'only' 2.5 hours this time and started on time at 10am on a very similar course to the previous week - but reversed. If anything it was better and faster and certainly just as much fun.

The route through the gully had been much modified - probably to the relief of the marshals as well as the riders - and a new snotty bit had been added into the bottom of the wood section. 

There was a bit less wobbling for me this week, and no breakages. Not to the bike anyway - I did get knocked clean off the back of the bike at the top of the slippery climb on the first lap, and also managed to head-butt a tree on lap 6. Dan Bishop managed a high speed get-off in one of the open fields, and I remember passing Glen Thomas inspecting his sump guard on the last lap. 

Club results 
Rob Breakwell 10 laps + 5
Simon Ellway 9 laps + 4
Dan Bishop 8 laps + 4
Paul Waycott 8 laps + 12
Dave Smailes 8 laps + 15
Ian Vessey 8 laps + 19
Glen Thomas 5 laps + 1
DNF Darren Thomas ? but a brave effort on the XL185!

Thanks must go to the Cotswold Enduro Club for organising such an excellent event with a well laid out course and enthusiastic marshals, and also for putting on such lovely weather on both Sundays!