
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 71 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2024

The Rockfield Trail Bike Trial - 01 May 2010

Words: Glenn Thomas

It can't have been too easy if Ian Beard could capture this shot of Nibbs getting it wrong!Nibbs - Oops

Clerk of Course's Report

Darren and I thought we would change it a bit this year by using a bit more wood and moving the special test.

All looked good midweek THEN IT RAINED. Oh dear, never mind too late to change it now.

Saturdays weather not to bad so off we went

18 entries entered the fray - only a few would return! Some of the sections did prove to be a bit harder when wet. But all turned out to be ridable.

At the end of the trial the riders and observers where meet with free tea and cakes (homemade), big thanks to Mrs Vessey and Mrs Thomas. Oh, and the rain held off to the end.

A big thanks to Roy for the land And a big thanks to the observers: Sec 1 Mike Wells, 2 Mike Allen, 3 Matt Neale, 4 Paul Dekkers, 5 Rod Jones, 6 Darren Thomas, 7 Ian Beard, 8 Glenn Thomas, 9 Jim Delahay, 10 Suzy Thomas. Spare sec 11 Maggie, Special Test Dave Smailes.

Nibbs Adams was overall winner with 22, 2nd Jake Hoare 25, 3rd Ade Hoare 26.