Fred Rist Trial August 2010
Original Results are on and Our sorted version of results here.
Other Years: 2009, 2008, 2006, 2005.

Words by Ben Falconer and Photos by Tony Falconer
The Neath club certainly know how to run a good trial, and we've done the Fred Rist for the past 5 years or so.
This event was a corker, with sections well set out, an easy to follow route, brilliant open moorland going, a lunch stop back at the the start - the whole thing went like clockwork.
It attracted a large number of Western Centre riders, with West Glos members Stan Howitt, Martin Worgan, Bill Brown, Ian Wixon and Roy Breakwell joined by the usual CHGers and burgeoning Glos and Cots crew.
These events are turning in to a bit of a Pampera-fest, and the latest to join the ranks is Stan. Making the switch from 4T to 2T is not easy and Stan had to persevere all day.
There was a lot of water about after days of heavy rain, but nothing on the day, which made for great sections.
The usual rocky gully section near the start was under a good few feet of water and claimed one or two drowned bikes.
Bill Brown was determined not to be one of them and razzed his Pamp up it and fired it out of the ends cards - what happened after (see pic) doesn't matter. Clean ride!
Ian rode round with Wyegate pre-65 winner Paul Farley, and they ended up almost on the same marks. Funny how that happens.
I rode round with "Uncle" Steve Venn and had a couple of good rides where I surprised myself - and more rides where it didn't quite go to plan.
Could have been worse - Wyegate winner for the past 2 years, Gavin Moore, missed a section with Graham Lavis, which copped them a 10 point score each and bumped them out the top end of the results.
Congrats must go to Paul Sargent, whose ride for 3 marks lost made him a very worthy winner.