
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 72 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2025

Fred Rist Trial 11 Sep 2005

Words and Photos By Ben Falconer

A BUMPER entry from the West Glos and Dean Forest MCC enjoyed a first rate day out and a fairly hard trial on either side of the valley which Resolfen, Neath nestles in.

With a compulsory lunch break to split the trial, we covered ground on the one side of the valley in the morning and the other side of the valley in the afternoon. The first half was a little on the tough side for most of the entry, with sections marked tightly but the afternoon was markedly easier.

With this being a round of the new ACU/TBM British trailbike championship, the small entry of just over 50 did not do the organisers justice � never mind the sections, the ride round was superb (apart from the gates and you can't do nothing about them).

With the 30 sections mainly in groups, they made the most of forestry, single track, farm tracks, and even open moorland. Most of us returned knackered but probably not quite as bushed as Matt's Monks Trod bog hoppers. Enthusiastic locals seemed to warm to the event on their doorstep, a refreshing change.

So how did we do? Well just by putting a dozen of us in for it didn't work!

First up, hats off to Wyegate winner Julian Page who dabbed once, beating Bill Myers to second (2) and Cheltenham Home Guard (and West Glos member) Steve Venn to third on 4. Brilliant rides all. Our host for the meet Mick Extance meeting, the irrepressible Keith Wells, finished 6th on seven marks down.

The event was even tougher for those on Enduro bikes but anyone who thinks they need a Pampera to succeed might like to note that the top two were on Beta Alps, while at least 2 twinshocks (Jon Bliss's Easy Rider and Keith Wells' XL185) placed in the single figures.

On a personal level (ie, getting my excuses in first) suspected water in the carb cost me around 10 marks in the morning and solving the problem at lunchtime meant skipping lunch resulting in a consequent energy depletion (knackered) which accounted for a 5 at the end.

Yet none of the sections were dangerous or extreme, a tribute to the Neath Motor Club's efforts.

Full results are on Bob Mullins' website but here's how our lot got on, in programme order.

Mike Wells, 30th 108 (enduro class)
Simon Thomas 33rd 134 (enduro)
Stan Howitt 20th, 68
Cliff Hannam 23rd, 83
Roy Breakwell 15th, 37
Colin Jones 29th, 103
Dave Pinney retired after the hillclimb in the morning with reports that the XR250's kickstart wouldn't return.
Tony Falconer 26th, 88
Ben Falconer, 12th, 34
Glenn Thomas, 34th, 137 (enduro)
Jimmy Marshall, 25th, 84
Jack Pegler, 24th, 83
Darren Thomas, 31st, 115
The upshot is that our club president and its press officer have championship points but are unlikely to capitalise on them because Ben didn't ride the first round and Roy suffered the CRF in the Ivor Morkot for no points.

(Of course we could claim a little more local championship success with our Wyegate riders who are paid up members after all. With, previously mentioned, Steve Venn-15pts and Kieth Wells-10pts, David Eeles-7pts and our Ross based traveling companion Kenny Brown-2pts. But is that clutching at straws? ed.)