
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 72 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2025

Red Kite Enduro 2010 - WTRA

Reports by: Ian Vessey

Vess Report

I failed to finish this event last time and blamed the weather for that - it couldn't be as bad this year could it?

I suppose the clue should have been the info that this year was just the previous course run backwards. Then there was all the recent wet weather..... and driving down the A40 revealed quite a lot of snow still on the Beacons. At the end of lap one there was sufficient doubt in my mind to consider retiring, but on the check Mandy said "But you know you're enjoying it really!" Actually, lap 2 wasn't too bad for me, but on lap 3 I got a bit stuck in the ruts leading to the Driver Training track, which cost a few minutes and a lot of energy. The slot in the special test was also getting very ...erm...'slotty'.

At the check at the end of lap 3, Julian said that he would never speak to me again if I didn't continue and finish lap 4.

Well lap 4 nearly did me in. I got well stuck again near the same place as lap 3 and then started suffering some almighty cramps. About 500m from the Driver Training track I had to stop for a few moments while my arms, legs, back, hands etc unlocked. The only thing you can do with cramp is swear at it, and I was doing some serious swearing, enough in fact for one of the marshals - 500m away - to jump on his bike and ride up to see if I was OK!!

Having made it to the track, there was some respite for a few miles to the out check, and then to the test for the last time. By now the slot had become a trench, and the 525 got well and truely wedged. I'm not sure where I found the energy to drag the monster out, but did so, and just about managed to pick it up, ride a few yards and slip over again, taking the full weight of the bike on the back of my leg. I wanted to give up, but I knew it was only a few miles to the end. Eventually, I got out of the slot onto hard track, to find Julian and a few of the other marshals. I cussed him "you could let me finish before taking the course markers down!!"

From there it was only a couple of easy miles to the end - 4 mins to spare - and a fabulous finisher's trophy! Good turnout for the club - Dan, Ben, Anth, Pete, Steve, James and Martin - and all kept going to the end. There was plenty of retirements judging by the shrinking number of people in the refuelling area each lap so I suspect just finishing was an achievement - it certainly was for me!.

I think I should stick to rallies.

See WTRA's page.