
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 72 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2025

Rights of Ways

Wye Valley AONB Tracks and Trails consultation update

Hi everyone, please see the link below. This is a follow up to the Wye Valley Tracks and Trails consultation that ran for a couple of months up until mid Jan 24. Hopefully a lot of you completed that in support of our hobby. Get along to one of the public presentations on the 27th or 28th Feb 2024 (details in the link - early evening viewing too.) and find out what is being planned in the Wye Valley AONB in Monmouthshire. It is likely to affect the unsealed Unclassified County Roads that we travel on. I don't know what it will say but if you don't like it ask some questions. Protect your interests by turning up and putting trail riding in a good light.

Link to the Wye Valley site and tracks and trail drop-in sessions



For 2023 the club have a RoW officer who is also a TRF member. Kelvin Varney can be contacted on husqavarney@gmail.com

If you have, or currently use rights of ways (And by that we mean those of a status that allows you to use them with your chosen form of transport), or even hope to in the future, then you really should be paying attention to what is happening.  We can't hope to convey a good picture of the current state of legislation effecting unsurfaced roads on this site, but please have a read of the sites that can.

If you are on what you think to be a right of way for vehicles and a Police officer thinks you are riding illegally, they are entitled to seize your vehicle under Section 59.

Understanding the Issues:

LARA's site will give you a good grounding just by reading some of their Latest News, (Our club is effectively a LARA member due to our ACU affiliation).

You can also get some good information from TRF's Website. From the club's point of view the TRF would be your best investment for membership. You may also like to read how 4x4 users have got their act together at the (GLASS) Green Lane Association's website.

You really should feel guilty if you don't send a letter off to your local MP. Those of us in the Forest should write to Mark Harper. We have had interactions with him in the past back when the NERC bill was introduced. We've included an article that our press officer wrote in the county's press, on one of our old pages, Lane Claims and NERC, back at the time.