
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 72 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2025

Wyegate Trial 26th March 2006 - Clerk of the Course's Comments

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Well that's another Wyegate done and dusted. Despite all the gloom and doom about the future use of the lanes it looks as if the event will continue to maintain its popularity. Being full one week after publication of the regs surprised us all.

Obviously I must say a huge thank you to everyone involved in any way. Officials, landowners, observers and riders, it couldn't happen without you. It will be hard to get this past the censors as I am talking about them but special thanks must go to Jackie and Colin Jones for the huge amount of work they put in. They started the Wyegate way back in the early eighties and still throw everything into it. Jackie has the hardest job of all as event secretary and it all runs so smoothly, even behind the scenes. The road book and all the website stuff is Colin's work and I don't know how it would run without him. He even lent me his bike for the day! Well done you two. (Yes, but it was a bit much holding my CRM ransom unless we put this in un-edited! ed.)

The rain appearing after lunch made the last sections a bit slippery although looking at the results it didn't really affect the awards. I am sure it did make life hard for those at the back though. Take solace in the fact that the traditional date, two weeks previous, saw 3" of snow on the route.

Could I remind people that there was plenty of private land used which we value and thus is not to be used now the event is over. Every section between Redbrook and Newland comes into this despite appearances. Also I would ask that people avoid the area, especially Whitebrook for a few weeks to give our long suffering local residents a break.

Its always nice to see familiar faces every year. It makes us feel that something is going right. Equally newcomers are always welcome to provide a touch of variety. Finally I must say to Tony Falconer, who has ridden every Wyegate, that if he keeps expecting me to pick him up after he loops out it will start to cost him. Look forward to seeing you next year Tony.

Thanks a lot. Matthew Neale, Clerk of the Course. 2006