
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 72 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2025

Cambrian Rally 2009 - WTRA

Reports by: Ian Vessey.

Had two very good day's riding in the forests around Llynne Brianne, including sections up and down Strata Florida. It was dry but bloomin' cold, I even had to wear an extra jumper! Folding the tent up on Sunday morning was ominous as all the condensation on the inside was freezing solid. This made the first lap on Sunday interesting with regard to grip on those shaded tracks! Mind you, waiting at the first test for a competitor to have his split finger attended to (cut by a flying stone) by St Johns was enough to remind most of what can happen when it all goes wrong - soon forgotten once on the test though!

Thanks to WTRA for a very relaxed and enjoyable 2 day's riding, and to the Haines family for Saturday evening's company. Report and results are up on www.wtra.co.uk, and there are also a few vids on YouTube: www.youtube.co.uk/iv525

Here is the first of Vess's Vids. You can double click to see his others.