
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 72 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2025

Beacons 2 Day Rally - WTRA

Words: Colin. Photo: courtesy of WTRA's James Lee

Club night should be worth a visit when Mike explains this one away!

Just out of interest, the photographer James Lee, who allowed us to use his shot is a rare thing - he is under 20, has a Clerk of Course licence and has been helping out at WTRA events virtually since he was old enough to walk. Where are our future club officials?

Well why don't we have a caption competition? I was thinking 'Don't worry baby, I won't let the vets put you down.' (send your caption to admin@wgdfmcc.org.uk)

Lucky 13!
Just for a change, Mike binned it instead of Arran.

Mike had a great ride on day one with 6th in the rally class. But had this little off which took a bit of recovering as his time was 57 minutes for what should have been an 8 minute test. Mind you, his next test time was a little bit subdued but he must have proved the brakes did work and got his head back into gear as the next was back on the pace. Phew!

I wonder if Kelvin Klein underwear ever does sponsorship?

I notice young Kenny Brown enjoyed his play day with a 4th in the Trail class.