
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 72 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2025

Powys Enduro 2008

Report and Photos by Ben Falconer. Excuse by Vess

Ben tells us: I DNF'd near the end with the EC stuck in 4th. Vess houred IN, by seconds, and Mike A had a tidy sportsman ride. I went up with Sam Wilson, who lost about 1/2 hr, which was good! Quite hard but not as much as the Welsh, excellent tracks and tests. Andy Weddle and Viv Jackson bronzed in their second full enduro, which was a mega effort, considering some of the stoppers in the Dyfi forest.

Excuse No:726 Registered to Vess. - I was going quite well, only 9mins down at the last check, and then, 100m from the end of the last bit of mud and slime, almost within sight of the end of the check, I made a slight error while going across a bank, slipped and ended up at the bottom. Took me an hour to get back up. I was not amused. The 525 is a great bike. Until it gets stuck. Three times in the Welsh and bigtime at the Powys, and on all occasions I know I would have got the old 200 out a hell of a lot quicker.

So the shock has been serviced and had a new spring installed at Dual Sport this week and I'm slowly sorting out the remaining few jobs on the little stinker! I might just keep the 525 for trailriding!