Stump Wood Hill Climb - 11 June 2011
Words: Matt Neale Photos: Ian Beard

Missing - Did anyone spot or pick up a Casio Watch last seen near signing on tent? Contact us.
A few words from the Clerk of the Course.
Starting with an apology:
A check of the results has spotted, as predicted, an error. Mike Wells had hammered his way around on a Trail bike and the Clerk of the Course had not registered this fact. This means that he is really the winner of the Trail class. Sorry about that Matt P!
Firstly, thanks to all for coming. To the riders who, hopefully, had a good time and all those who helped in any way.
We have come up with a very provisional set of results (Link on the right). As I struggle with any number more than 10 there may be the odd error. Please let us know when you spot something.
Overall winner and best in the Open class was Rob Breakwell. Again I think. Best Trail bike was Matt Peake until we spotted Mike Wells had ridden the big beast of a 620 trailbike, winkers and all!. Best Trials bike went to Terry Potts who found that the event wasn't what he was expecting!
I didn't get to see all of what was happening but one or two things were interesting. I am sure I can find some more later and if you have anything to add, please let us know.
Lee Chiswell had an "off" on hill 3. A whopping great ant hill jumped out in front of him and put him over the bars. According to Roy Breakwell it was worth watching and he should know having seen Rob have one or two over the years.
Darren Thomas seemed to be "enjoying" his ride on a real bike instead of the variety of rattling heaps of junk he normally brings along. This one could actually get up the hills.
Once he had finished, Pete Neale went back to see Drew on hill 3 having swapped his Gas Gas 200 for the old faithful 230 Honda. His one attempt at the hill was between 2 and 4 seconds faster! Actually I found the same but I have a good excuse.
Lots of riders were setting themselves and the bikes up for the Welsh. Oh dear! It's going to be an expensive trail ride chaps.
Ben Falconer was proving that his ancient, sorry classic, Bultaco can finish an event that's 2 now. If he can double the number of days and triple the time for each day he has a fair chance at finishing the Welsh. I did offer him my open face Bell helmet and Barbour suit but some how he wasn't keen.
At the end Anthony Moore was in sales mode. Everyone had a thrash on his 250 Gasser. Most didn't try the fast switch but I bet Sam and Arran did. When the latter set off, accompanied by dire warnings from his dad, Anthony did look nervous. He'll have the same look on his face when Holly goes on her first date.