
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 72 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2025

Border100 - 1980


This was an event dreamt up and implemented by Len Ore and Julian Bishop

It was before the age of computers but we have recovered the Entry List, Final Instructions and Sections/Tests info but not the results. Can anyone help? Also were you involved/riding? Please let us know your memories of the event. Contact admin@wgdfmcc.org.uk


In the large photo the lineup starts on the right with Stan Howitt's Matchless, A Powell's 1951 350cc Enfield, ... We need your help for the rest.

Sadly some of the original participants have passed away but others are still putting more than their fair share of effort into our sport and pastime.

Most of you will know this event was a bit of the inspiration for the Wyegate Trial as some of the Border 100 sections are still used now.

Riders Recall

John Childs on a Norton 490 1947, still active with the MCC said: Yes, that's me in a familiar position, the bottom picture, the description of one test was 2 laps over rough ground- that was an under statement, I remember the course dropped down a large hole which I took too fast and collided with a rock face with my chest either badly bruising my chest or cracking a rib, it was painful for weeks afterwards. I continued for most of the day but got badly lost, (the route was not described as well as MCC events) and eventually retired. Thanks for the memories, I do also remember the B&B I stayed at had nylon sheets on the bed and stone walls around the bedroom, it was the coldest night I have ever spent! (That was 5 Star accommodation for the Forest back in 1980! ed.)