
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 72 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2025

Annual Sporting Review 2009

Held at Forest Hills on the Friday 30th of Jan.New Style Gallery

Was, as ever, a great night out for about 92 of us. Organised by our Social Sec Glenn Thomas and ably assisted by his family who also took on much of the actual work. I won't have to write much more here as someone has done it all for me - See Cliff and Mar's comments below. Oh yes, I'm trying a new style gallery so click the picture to have a browse through and let me know if you have any problems with it please. admin@wgdfmcc.org.uk

Drew says: In a state of gentle inebriation and general high spirits, I managed to leave Forest Hills after the do without my black suede jacket – no sign of it there the morning after. Did anyone see it or pick it up?

Cliff says: I just wanted to jot a few lines to register how much we enjoyed the dinner and presentations on Friday evening. As did our friends, who considered their journey from Anglesey, well worth while. It is great to see that the club has support that is as strong as ever, with the numbers filling the room to capacity. That the number of 'youngsters' attending, not only the dinner but the regular meetings, is increasing and bodes a healthy future for the club. Congratulations and special thanks to Glenn and co, for all the hard work that goes into making these events so successful.
PS. Running the vids on the big screen was brilliant, the DVDs are a 'must have' for lots of people. The proceeds couldn't be for a better cause. BUT watching them didn't do a lot for my withdrawal symptoms!!!