
West Glos & Dean Forest
Motor Cycle Club

Celebrating 72 Years of Motor Cycling 1953 - 2025

Digression - Rough Stuff Extremes

Words By ed. - Back to main Digression

We didn't invent one of the club's favourite digressions, Mountain biking. It sort of evolved a long time ago.

This aerial view is where Viv started his downhill ride from before the ash covered everything. 2km to the north west is the volcano - (We just thought that sound was Viv's tummy rumbling!).

One pedal powered trail riding club that started up just after our club formed is the Rough Stuff Fellowship. The following video serves 2 tasks - one to give some background to how the RSF formed and the second task is to explain why I regularly rant on about Iceland.

The Jones family had a fantastic month on holiday there using some of the tracks shown and exploring the incredible landscape. Sadly we only had one hardtail with us and Viv was only twelve at the time but he still managed to blag us into giving him a 3000 foot uplift to Eyjafjallajökull (That's right, the one that stopped all the planes flying. We did get there 6 years before it blew though!) He did have a bit of arm pump when he got back down to sea level.

If you have a fast connection then watch it full screen on the Vimeo site in HD. And even the product placement is acceptable (Thinks: must go and get a pair of 510s.)

I'm sure there is a bit of the rider's route that Dan Bish would have loved to find first - I'm sure the Wednesday night riders will know which bit I mean.


HORACE AND THE ROUGH STUFF FELLOWSHIP from infinite trails on Vimeo.